Concerning intelligent ICT exploitation in some maritime business organizations: A pilot study


S. Bauk, N. Kapidani, A. Schmeink, C. Holtham,


        This paper examines to which extent some maritime business organizations intelligently use their Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources. The research is done as a pilot study, since it includes relatively small number of maritime business entities from Montenegro, Albania, Croatia, Slovenia and Italy. Our intention was to indirectly check whether these organizations are ready for the adoption and routinization of novel ICT systems like e-Navigation, Maritime Cloud, e-Maritime, National/Maritime Single Window (N/MSW) etc., through assessing how intelligently they exploit existing ICT solutions. Even though all interviewed managers have evaluated knowledge, organizational culture and managerial skills as key constructs that provide the business organizations’ success, the level of intelligent exploitation of the available ICT solutions is not high. This is problematic, especially if we bare in mind the necessity of making quick adaptation to the considerably more complex, sophisticated and demanding ICT solutions within the context of actual huge digital turbulence in the maritime community.


ICT intelligent exploitation maritime business organizations digital turbulenc

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Sanja Bauk and Nexhat Kapidani and Anke Schmeink and Clive Holtham},
	title = "Concerning intelligent ICT exploitation in some maritime business organizations: A pilot study",
	pages = "63-68",
	journal = "Our Sea – International Journal of Maritime Science and Technology",
	volume = "64",
	number = "2",
	month = Jun,
	year = 2017,
	hsb = RWTH-CONV-220349,


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