Multi-User Full-Duplex Relaying: Enabling Dual Connectivity via Impairments-Aware Successive Interference Cancellation


V. Radhakrishnan, O. Taghizadeh, R. Mathar,


        In this paper, we consider the downlink of a cellular communication network, where dual-connectivity (DuC) at the end-users is enabled with the assistance of a full-duplex (FD) massive-multiple-input-multiple-output (mMIMO) relay. In particular, the base station (BS) transmits separate data streams through the co-channel direct link as well as the FD relay channel, utilizing the successive-interference-cancellation (SuIC) capability at the receiver. As a result, the downlink communication data can be interchangeably loaded to separate sub-carriers, employing an orthogonal multi-carrier (MC) strategy, or to different available links, i.e., direct or FD relay link, employing the non-orthogonal SuIC at the receiver. In order to reliably model the SuIC operation at the receiver, the collective sources of impairments, including the non-linear transmit and receiver chain distortions as well as the channel state information (CSI) inaccuracy are incorporated. An optimization problem for joint sub-carrier and power allocation is then devised in order to maximize system weighted sum-rate, which belongs to the class of smooth difference-of-convex (DC) problems. An iterative optimization solution is then proposed, utilizing successive inner approximation (SIA) framework, which converges to the point that satisfies Karush–Kuhn–Tucker optimality conditions. Numerical results show performance and robustness gain of proposed SuIC scheme in terms of sum-rate compared to previously proposed single-connectivity and half-duplex relaying schemes.


Massive MIMO, Full duplex, Dual connectivity, Multi-carrier, Imperfect CSI, Successive interference cancellation

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Vimal Radhakrishnan and Omid Taghizadeh and Rudolf Mathar},
	title = "Multi-User Full-Duplex Relaying: Enabling Dual Connectivity via Impairments-Aware Successive Interference Cancellation",
	pages = "12",
	journal = "{IEEE} Systems Journal",
	doi = 10.1109/JSYST.2020.3042060,
	month = Dec,
	year = 2020,
	hsb = RWTH-2021-08239,


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