Interference Mitigation via Power Optimization Schemes for Full-Duplex Networking


O. Taghizadeh, R. Mathar,


        In this paper we study the interference mitigation problem based on power adjustment of the involved nodes,for a cellular communication system where base stations are empowered with full-duplex capability. A full-duplex base station, by definition, is capable of transmission and reception at the same time and frequency and hence can simultaneously establish a downlink and uplink communication, and potentially increase the spectral efficiency. In the first step, an overview of the system is given, where new sources of interference are discovered due to the full-duplex function at the base station. It is discussed that the coordination of the base stations via strong backhaul connection is essential to estimate and reduce the main parts of the interference signals. In the next step, we aim at mitigating the effects of the remaining interference paths via smart power adjustment at the involved communicating nodes. In this regard two strategies will be considered. Firstly, the transmit powers will be adjusted to maximize the provided rate to the users in a fair fashion, following a max-min approach. In the second approach, the power optimization is done in order to maximize the sum-rate in the network. The aforementioned strategies are then evaluated via numerical simulations.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Omid Taghizadeh and Rudolf Mathar},
	title = "Interference Mitigation via Power Optimization Schemes for Full-Duplex Networking",
	pages = "1-7",
	booktitle = "19th International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2015)",
	address = {Ilmenau, Germany},
	month = Mar,
	year = 2015,
	hsb = RWTH-2015-01265,


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