Capacity of General Discrete Noiseless Channels


G. Böcherer, V. C. d. Rocha, C. Pimentel,


        This paper concerns the capacity of the discrete noiseless channel introduced by Shannon. A suf?cient condition is given for the capacity to be well-de?ned. For a general discrete
noiseless channel allowing non-integer valued symbol weights, it is shown that the capacity—if well-de?ned—can be determined from the radius of convergence of its generating function, from the smallest positive pole of its generating function, or from the rightmost real singularity of its complex generating function.
A generalisation is given for Pringsheim’s Theorem and for
the Exponential Growth Formula to generating functions of combinatorial structures with non-integer valued symbol weights.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Georg B{\"o}cherer and Valdemar Cardoso da Rocha and Cecilio Pimentel},
	title = "Capacity of General Discrete Noiseless Channels",
	booktitle = "9th International Symposium on Communication Theory and Applications (ISCTA)",
	address = {Ambleside, United Kingdom},
	year = 2007,
	hsb = RWTH-CONV-223558,


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