Institute for Theoretical Information Technology
Publications by Henning Maier
A. Chaaban, H. Maier, A. Sezgin, R. Mathar, Three-Way Channels with Multiple Unicast Sessions: Capacity Approximation via Network Transformation, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 3-18, September 2016.
H. Maier, J. Schmitz, R. Mathar, Cyclic Interference Alignment Via Polynomial Rings for Multi-user Communication Channels, ser. Signals and Communication Technology, 191-214 pages, Publisher: Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-319-224400-4, January 2016.
H. Maier, R. Mathar, Cyclic Interference Alignment and Cancellation in 3-User X-Networks with Minimal Backhaul, Proceedings: IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2014), Hobart, TAS, Australia, November 2014.
H. Maier, A. Chaaban, R. Mathar, Symmetric Degrees of Freedom of the MIMO 3-Way Channel with M_T x M_R Antennas, Proceedings: IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2014), Hobart, TAS, Australia, November 2014.
H. Maier, A. Chaaban, R. Mathar, A. Sezgin, Capacity Region of the Reciprocal Deterministic 3-Way Channel via Delta-Y Transformation, Proceedings: 52nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Monticello, Illinois, USA, October 2014.
H. Maier, A. Chaaban, R. Mathar, Degrees of Freedom of the MIMO 3-Way Channel, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications (ISITA 2014), Melbourne, VIC, Australia, October 2014.
H. Maier, R. Mathar, User-Relay Duality in Cyclic Interference Alignment for Cascaded Two-Way Relay Networks, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications (ISITA 2014), Melbourne, VIC, Australia, October 2014.
A. Chaaban, H. Maier, A. Sezgin, The Degrees-of-Freedom of Multi-way Device-to-Device Communications is Limited by 2, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2014), Honolulu, USA, July 2014.
H. Maier, R. Mathar, Cyclic Interference Neutralization on the 2x2x2 Full-Duplex Two-Way Relay-Interference Channel, Proceedings: Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2013), Sevilla, Spain, September 2013.
H. Maier, R. Mathar, Cyclic Interference Neutralization on the Full-Duplex Relay-Interference Channel, Proceedings: IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2013), Istanbul, Turkey, July 2013.
H. Maier, J. Schmitz, R. Mathar, Cyclic Interference Alignment by Propagation Delay, Proceedings: 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, Illinois, USA, October 2012.
H. Maier, R. Mathar, Uniform and Non-Uniform Delay-Rate Tradeoffs in Partial Ergodic Interference Alignment, Proceedings: IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2012), Lausanne, Switzerland, September 2012.