[Picture of Michael Reyer]

Dr.-Ing. Michael Reyer

Akademischer Oberrat

E-Mail: reyer@ti.rwth-aachen.de
Phone: +49 241 80 27706
Fax: + 49 241 80 22198

Office: 302
Consultation-hour: Upon agreement



Research interests:
Resource allocation for OFDM networks
Wireless channel modelling
Radio wave propagation
Optimization, e.g., radio and power network planning
PoS-Tagging for Social Media Texts

Office address:
ICT cubes, 3rd floor, R302
RWTH Aachen
Kopernikusstr. 16
52074 Aachen

Postal address:
RWTH Aachen
Theoretische Informationstechnik
Dr.-Ing. Michael Reyer
52056 Aachen

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