A Semi-Stochastic Radio Propagation Model for Wireless MIMO Channels


X. Xu, M. Reyer, F. Schröder, A. Engels, R. Mathar,


        Among current physical channel models, deterministic models, such as ray-launching, are accurate but site-specific. Geometry-based stochastic models are flexible, however, cannot benefit if site information is available. In this work, a semistochastic MIMO channel model is proposed. It integrates results from deterministic models into stochastic models, merging the advantages of both approaches.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Xiang Xu and Michael Reyer and Florian Schr{\"o}der and Alexander Engels and Rudolf Mathar},
	title = "A Semi-Stochastic Radio Propagation Model for Wireless {MIMO} Channels",
	pages = "619-623",
	booktitle = "International Symposium on Wireless Communication 2011",
	address = {Aachen, Deutschland},
	month = Nov,
	year = 2011,
	hsb = hsb999910117216,


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