Seminar Communication Theory (S3/4)


Scheduled Dates

Deadline for the application procedure in the campus system is 10.10.2018.

The introductory meeting takes place on Thursday, 11.10.2018, 10:30 am, in room 333, ICT cubes, Kopernikusstraße 16.


Current topics of the chair’s research areas are covered.

The topics are listed in RWTH Online and needs to be priorized there.


A successful participation in at least one course offered by the Chair of Theoretical Information Theory. (Decision on admission in individual cases.)


Students learn to work autonomously by dealing with a scientific topic of interest for the institute. Normally, a current research paper is thoroughly worked through. Background material is carefully prepared and missing details are provided by the student. Also literature surveys may be composed. Moreover, simulations may be implemented and evaluated. This work will be documented in a student report and presented to other seminarians and colleagues by using modern presentation techniques.


Transcript after successful participation (written report and presentation).

Introductory Meeting

On this event the prerequisites will be checked, topics will be distributed, and a general introduction to the course and the requirements of the seminar will be given. Moreover, a first meeting with the supervisors will be established or arranged.

Consultation hours

Dr. Michael Reyer upon agreement

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