- Wireless Channel Modeling and Estimation by Artificial Neural Networks Saeed ShojaeeAugust 2020
- Resource Allocation for Future Wireless Relay Systems Vimal RadhakrishnanMay 2020
- Signal Recovery on the Sphere from Compressive and Phaseless Measurements Arya BangunJanuar 2020
- Robustness Analysis of Deep Neural Networks in the Presence of Adversarial Perturbations and Noisy Labels Emilio Rafael BaldaNovember 2019
- Quantized compressive sampling for structured signal estimation Niklas KoepJuni 2019
- Construction of Rate-Compatible Codes from Punctured Polar Codes Christopher Matthias SchnellingMai 2019
- Wireless Sensor Networks: Target Localization, Signal Estimation and Power Allocation Ehsan ZandiApril 2019
- Integration of Communication and Power Networks for Planning and Optimization of Smart Grids Halil Alper TokelApril 2019
- 5G Heterogeneous Networks for Connected Vehicles: A Cooperative Multi-Layer Approach Jose Angel Leon CalvoNovember 2018
- Optimizing Large Scale Systems in Engineering Markus RotheNovember 2018
- Resource Allocation for Full-Duplex Multiple-Antenna Communication Systems Omid TaghizadehJuni 2018
- Interference-Aware Spectrum Occupancy Prediction for Cognitive Radio Networks Rana AlhalasehApril 2018
- Localization in a Distributed Software Defined Radio Framework Johannes SchmitzNovember 2017
- Eigenvalue-Based Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio: Change Detection Problems and Fundamental Performance Limits Martijn ArtsMai 2017
- Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Andreas BolligOktober 2016
- Part-of-speech tagging and detection of social media texts Melanie NeunerdtSeptember 2015
- Effective Communication Methods in the Absence of Cache Coherence for Many-core Architectures with on-chip Networks Pablo RebleSeptember 2015
- A toolbox for urban multipath radio wave propagation prediction Florian SchröderJuni 2015
- Optimisation under Data Uncertainty in Wireless Communication Networks Grit ClaßenMärz 2015
- Cyclic Interference Alignment in Multi-User Communication Networks Henning MaierFebruar 2015
- Strategies for wireless Network Control with Applications to LTE Xiang XuDezember 2014
- Performance-Guaranteed Resource Allocation in Wireless Communication Systems Simon GörtzenDezember 2014
- Optimizing Power Allocation in Sensor Networks with Applications to Target Classification Gholamreza AlirezaeiMai 2014
- Convex Optimization for Radio Resource Management in Heterogeneous Networks Steven CorroyOktober 2013
- Design and Implementation of Adaptive OFDM in a Software Defined Radio Framework Milan ZivkovicSeptember 2013
- Dimensioning, Cell Site Planning, and Self Optimization of 4G Radio Networks Alexander EngelsSeptember 2013
- Capacity-Achieving Probabilistic Shaping for Noisy and Noiseless Channels Georg BöchererFebruar 2012
- Optimum Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous Wireless OFDM Networks Chunhui LiuOctober 2011
- Ultra-Wideband Sensor Networks for Distributed Detection Daniel BielefeldJuni 2011
- Distributed Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks Gernot FabeckNovember 2010
- Optimierungsalgorithmen zur Ressourcenallokation in OFDMA-Systemen Michael ReyerAugust 2008
- Performance Analysis and Control of Wireless Communication Networks with Multi-User Receivers Daniel CatreinApril 2007
- Capacity Analysis and Resource Allocation in Wireless Communication Systems Anke FeitenJuni 2006
- Optimierungsalgorithmen zur automatisierten Funknetzplanung Michael SchmeinkJuli 2005
- Traffic Engineering in MPLS Networks with Multiple objectives: Modeling and Optimization Selin Cerav-ErbasJuli 2004
- Mobilitätsmodelle für zellulare Mobilfunknetze: Produktformen und Blockierung Jaakob KindJuni 2000
- Mobilkommunikation in Zellnetzen, stochastische Konzepte zur Systemoptimierung Martin HellebrandtJuli 1998
- Analyse und Optimierung mobiler Kommunikationssysteme Jürgen MattfeldtDezember 1993
- Invariante Präordnungen und algorithmische Aspekte bei Matrix-Approximationsproblemen in multivariaten statistischen Verfahren Renate MeyerJuli 1993
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