Invited Sessions
Wireless Industry Topics
Stephan ten Brink - Bell Labs, GermanyMichael Färber - Nokia Siemens Networks, Germany
Interference Alignment
Syed Ali Jafar - University of California, Irvine, USABobak Nazer - Boston University, USA
Wireless Network Coding
Jörg Kliewer - New Mexico State University, USAChristina Fragouli - EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Cooperation and Relaying
Tobias Oechtering - KTH Stockholm, SwedenMikael Skoglund - KTH Stockholm, Sweden
Wireless Network Information Theory
Michèle Wigger - Telecom ParisTech, FranceShraga Bross - Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Modeling Acceptance for Communication Systems
Martina Ziefle - RWTH Aachen, GermanyGerd Ascheid - RWTH Aachen, Germany