On the existence and efficient computation of feasible power control for CDMA cellular radio
Power control is an essential feature of code division multiple access (CDMA) systems to guaranty quality of transmission and maximize network capacity. In this paper, we introduce a fast method for computing the minimal power assignment even for huge numbers of mobiles. Its complexity is mainly determined by the number of base stations in the network. From this approach we furthermore obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a feasible power allocation. Finally, easy sufficient conditions for the existence of a feasible power assignment are derived. We conclude by evaluating these conditions for merely distance dependent path losses and hexagonal cells, which gives insight into the dependence between network geometry and power control.
BibTEX Reference Entry 
@inproceedings{CaMa03, author = {Daniel Catrein and Rudolf Mathar}, title = "On the existence and efficient computation of feasible power control for {CDMA} cellular radio", booktitle = "Australian Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference - ATNAC", address = {Melbourne}, month = Dec, year = 2003, hsb = RWTH-CONV-223545, }