Demonstration Abstract: Real-time Indoor Localization with TDOA and Distributed Software Defined Radio


J. Schmitz, M. Hernandez, R. Mathar,


        We present a system utilizing off-the-shelf hardware components and a software framework, which is able to perform radio frequency localization with high accuracy in the order of a few meters. The architecture consists of highly synchronized receivers that are utilized by a distributed software defined radio stack in order to obtain synchronized multi channel reception of the target signal. This includes transportation of the sampled baseband signals from the receivers over a backbone network and local signal processing at a fusion center. To overcome the large drifts in the synchronization signals provided by GPS, we permanently calibrate the system based on a stationary reference source. The implemented system framework enables us to perform research on localization algorithms and performance evaluation under the influence of various inherent noise and error sources.


Global Positioning System;indoor radio;radio receivers;radio reception;software radio;synchronisation;time-of-arrival estimation;GPS;TDOA;backbone network;distributed software defined radio stack;fusion center;highly synchronized receiver;off-the-shelf hardware component utilization;radio frequency localization;real-time indoor localization;sampled baseband signal transportation;software framework;stationary reference source;target signal synchronized multichannel reception;time difference of arrival;Baseband;Global Positioning System;Receivers;Signal processing;Signal processing algorithms;Software;Synchronization

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Johannes Schmitz and Manuel Hernandez and Rudolf Mathar},
	title = "Demonstration Abstract: Real-time Indoor Localization with TDOA and Distributed Software Defined Radio",
	pages = "1-2",
	booktitle = "15th ACM/{IEEE} International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)",
	address = {Vienna, Austria},
	doi = 10.1109/IPSN.2016.7460671,
	month = Apr,
	year = 2016,
	hsb = RWTH-2016-03194,


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