TDMA network design using decode-and-forward relays with finite set modulation


Z. Ahmad, A. d. Coso, C. Ibars,


        This paper studies the uplink channel of a time division
multiple access (TDMA) cellular network assisted by wireless relays.
Aiming at increasing the network's transmission rate, we optimally
place multiple decode-and-forward (D&F) dedicated relays within every
cell. In the first part of the contribution, we consider the relays
transmitting Gaussian codewords. Results show that there is almost 39%
gain in the transmission rate of each cell with respect to no relaying.
In the second part, we analyze the performance impact of finite set
modulation at user and relays (i.e. M-PAM) . With such a modulation, the
gain is slightly decreased to 27%. Finally, we show that D&F relaying
provides large gains in the outage capacity at the edge of the cell,
with similar performance for Gaussian and M-PAM modulation.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Zeeshan Ahmad and Aitor del Coso and Christian Ibars},
	title = "{TDMA} network design using decode-and-forward relays with finite set modulation",
	journal = "{IEEE} International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC2008, Cannes, France)",
	month = Sep,
	year = 2008,
	hsb = RWTH-CONV-223183,


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