On Full Duplex Gaussian Relay Channels with Self-Interference
Self interference (SI) in full duplex (FD) systems is the interference caused by the transmission stream on the reception stream. Being one of the main restrictive factors for performance of practical full duplex systems, however, not too much is known about its effect on the fundamental limits of relaying systems. In this work, we consider the full duplex three- node relay channel with SI where SI is modeled as an additive Gaussian noise whose variance is dependent on instantaneous input power. The classical achievable rates and upper bounds for the single three-node relay channel no longer apply due to the structure of SI. Achievable rates for Decode-and-Forward (DF) and Compress-and-Forward (CF) and upper bounds on the capacity are derived assuming Gaussian inputs and SI. The deterministic model is also introduced and its capacity is characterized. The optimal joint source-relay distributions is discussed. Numerical results are provided comparing the achievable rates and upper bound.
BibTEX Reference Entry 
@inproceedings{BeChMaAl16, author = {Arash Behboodi and Anas Chaaban and Rudolf Mathar and Mohamed-Slim Alouini}, title = "On Full Duplex {G}aussian Relay Channels with Self-Interference", pages = "5", booktitle = "2016 {IEEE} International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)", address = {Barcelona, Spain}, month = Jul, year = 2016, }
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