Segregating In- and Other-Cell Interference with Applications to Decentralized Admission Control


D. Catrein, R. Mathar,


        This paper deals with the intertwined problems of feasibility,
power allocation and call admission control on the basis of the
signal-to-interference-ratio in multi-cell CDMA networks.
Positively homogeneous in-cell interference functions are introduced.
Under this general concept optimum power allocations
are determined by first solving in-cell interference
problems with fixed background noise, and subsequently a
small system of linear coupling equations.
This approach simultaneously clarifies the existence of some power
allocation such that minimum SIR requirements are fulfilled.
The decomposition is also utilized for designing
a decentralized admission control algorithm. Finally, guidelines
are given on how required parameters may be estimated in existing
network structures.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Daniel Catrein and Rudolf Mathar},
	title = "Segregating In- and Other-Cell Interference with Applications to Decentralized Admission Control",
	pages = "2495 - 2502",
	journal = "{IEEE} Transactions on Communications",
	volume = "57",
	number = "8",
	month = Aug,
	year = 2009,
	hsb = hsb910012201,


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