Analyzing a distributed slot assignment protocol by Markov chains


R. Mathar, A. Mann,


        Packet radio networks must be able to handle rapid changes in connectivity, e.g. for a continuous data exchange in inter-car communication. In a concurrent slot assignment protocol this is achieved by random access to time synchronized frames and exchange of individual channel observation by each of the involved stations. An important question is how fast this synchronization tool works. We investigate its performance by analyzing the (random) first stable time in a Markov chain model. Numerical results for a variety of parameters are given.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Rudolf Mathar and Andreas Mann},
	title = "Analyzing a distributed slot assignment protocol by {M}arkov chains",
	pages = "715-720",
	booktitle = "{IEEE} 42nd VTC",
	address = {Denver},
	year = 1992,
	hsb = RWTH-CONV-223529,


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