Sum Secrecy Rate Maximization for Multi-Carrier MIMOME Systems with Full-Duplex Jamming


T. Yang, O. Taghizadeh, R. Mathar,


        In this work we study the sum secrecy rate maximization problem for a multi-carrier and multiple-input-multiple-output multiple-antenna eavesdropper (MIMOME) communication system. We consider the setup that the receiver is capable of full-duplex (FD) operation and simultaneously sends jamming signal to a potential eavesdropper. In particular, we intend to achieve a higher security level in the physical layer by simultaneously utilizing the spatial and frequency diversity of the FD-enabled system. In order to deal with the non-convex nature of the problem, we reformulate the problem as a separately convex program and propose an iterative algorithm. The iterative solution has a guaranteed convergence based on block coordinate descent method. Furthermore, for a simplified scenario where the transmitter is only equipped with a single antenna, the system is mitigated to a transmit power allocation problem. We obtain an optimal solution analytically with the assumption of a known jamming strategy. We also study an FD bidirectional secure communication system, where both transceivers are capable of FD operation. The numerical evaluations indicate the gain of an optimized jamming strategy for an FD multi-carrier system.


Full-duplex Wiretap channel Secrecy rate Jamming Multi-carrier MIMO

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Tianyu Yang and Omid Taghizadeh and Rudolf Mathar},
	title = "Sum Secrecy Rate Maximization for Multi-Carrier MIMOME Systems with Full-Duplex Jamming",
	pages = "100730",
	journal = "Physical Communication",
	volume = "35",
	number = "100730",
	doi = 10.1016/j.phycom.2019.100730,
	month = Aug,
	year = 2019,
	hsb = RWTH-2019-11738,


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