A Capacity Utilizing Distributed Call Admission Control Scheme for CDMA with Power Constraints


D. Catrein, R. Mathar,


        We consider a stable CDMA cellular network of N users with given quality-of-transmission requirements, and ask the question if an additional user can be admitted to the network without violating any of the active quality-of-service thresholds. An important point is that, although the inclusion of a new user impinges on the power adjustment of all mobiles in the network, this decision is made on the basis of information locally collected at the base stations only. We achieve this goal by an appropriate agglomeration of outer- and inner-cell interference, and an according dimensionality reduction scheme. The corresponding admission control algorithm applies an interference prediction phase prior to making a decision about accepting further customers to the wireless network. Capacity is exploited in that users are admitted whenever there is room to. Individual power constraints are included in our system model, which makes the resulting admission control algorithm widely applicable for practical purposes.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Daniel Catrein and Rudolf Mathar},
	title = "A Capacity Utilizing Distributed Call Admission Control Scheme for {CDMA} with Power Constraints",
	booktitle = "{IEEE} VTC Fall 2006",
	address = {Montreal},
	year = 2006,
	hsb = RWTH-CONV-223552,


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