Optimal channel assignment in cellular radio networks with linear structure


T. Niessen,


        The demand for mobile radio communication is rapidly growing, particularly in urban areas and along heavily trafficked roads. Carefully channel allocation ensures to carry large amounts of traffic for a given number of channels. Some of the cellular networks have a 1-dimensional (linear) structure. Typical examples are systems covering a highway, a city street, or a corridor. We investigate the class of quasi-linear networks and present a fast algorithm.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Thomas Niessen},
	title = "Optimal channel assignment in cellular radio networks with linear structure",
	pages = "181-187",
	journal = "ITG-Fachberichte",
	volume = "135",
	month = Sep,
	year = 1995,
	hsb = RWTH-CONV-223145,


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