Location Tracking of Mobiles in Cellular Radio Networks


M. Hellebrandt, R. Mathar,


        Some useful services in cellular radio networks, and also a class of handover algorithms, require knowledge of the position and velocity of mobiles. This paper deals with a method to track mobiles by on-line monitoring of field strength data of surrounding base stations at successive time points. Such data is available in present GSM-systems each 0.48 seconds. Because of strong random fluctuations of the signals, appropriate smoothing is the key point of the procedure. Kalman filtering turns out to be extremely successful, achieving average mislocations of 70 meters in simulated test runs. Further improvement is possible by using external geographical information.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Martin Hellebrandt and Rudolf Mathar},
	title = "Location Tracking of Mobiles in Cellular Radio Networks",
	pages = "1558-1562",
	journal = "{IEEE} Transactions on Vehicular Technology",
	volume = "48",
	number = "5",
	month = Sep,
	year = 1999,
	hsb = RWTH-CONV-223162,


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