The impact of different services on the outage probability in UMTS


R. Mathar, M. Remiche,


        In this paper, we deal with the uplink outage probability for a UMTS cellular network at a reference base station equipped with a smart antenna. Users are assumed to be distributed according to a planar Poisson point process. Their respective transmission rates are modeled by independent random variables. This leads to a compound Poisson process for the total data rate to be served in a cell by code division multiplexing. Outage occurs if the total rate exceeds the effective chip rate (3.84 MChip/s devided by the minimum required bit energy to noise power ratio). Circulant matrices, a normal approximation, and Monte Carlo integration are employed to determine the outage probability as a performance parameter of the system.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Rudolf Mathar and Marie-Ange Remiche},
	title = "The impact of different services on the outage probability in {UMTS}",
	pages = "CD",
	booktitle = "{IEEE} VTC Fall 2001",
	address = {Atlantic City},
	month = Oct,
	year = 2001,
	hsb = RWTH-CONV-223540,


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