Reconfigurable Framework for Adaptive OFDM Transmission, extended abstract for demonstration


M. Zivkovic, D. Auras, R. Mathar,


        Optimal utilization of radio resources (bandwidth, transmit power) in multicarrier based systems becomes very challenging due to coexistence of various wireless standards within the same frequency band. Proposed demonstration, implemented in GNU Radio framework, enables capacity achieving OFDM-based data transmission between two network nodes with optimally con gured transmission parameters for given system constraints. Furthermore, a highly recon- gurable framework allows for implementation and evaluation of various transmission strategies for different classes of given requirements and various sets of controllable parameters.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Milan Zivkovic and Dominik Auras and Rudolf Mathar},
	title = "Reconfigurable Framework for Adaptive {OFDM} Transmission, extended abstract for demonstration",
	booktitle = "WINTECH '09",
	address = {Beijing, China},
	month = Sep,
	year = 2009,
	hsb = hsb910012190,


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