Generalised water-filling: costly power optimally allocated to sub-carriers under a general concave performance function
A data terminal seeks the optimal power allocation for M sub-carriers under a general concave performance function ( capacity ), and a per-Watt price. The value to the terminal of one transferred information bit, as well as the noise-normalised channel gains for each sub-carrier are the critical parameters. We provide the structure of the general solution, and give closed-form expressions for the logarithmic form. The analysis reveals that if a sub-channel gain is less than or equal to the suitably normalised power price said sub-channel is not usable. Our results are directly applicable for power allocation in a time-division OFDM system. They can also be useful in an OFDMA system, if complemented with some sensible sub-channel allocation scheme, as we propose separately.
BibTEX Reference Entry 
@inproceedings{RoMa10b, author = {Virgilio Rodriguez and Rudolf Mathar}, title = "Generalised water-filling: costly power optimally allocated to sub-carriers under a general concave performance function", booktitle = "44th annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS)", address = {Princeton, New Jersey, USA}, month = Mar, year = 2010, hsb = hsb910018418, }
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