Profit-Oriented Combination of Multiple Objectives for Planning and Configuration of 4G Multi-Hop Relay Networks


A. Engels, M. Reyer, R. Mathar,


        Generally, planning and configuring cellular radio networks lead to multi-objective optimization problems with
conflicting objectives, e.g., coverage and cost. In this paper, we present an approach to combine those opponents in a closed-form objective for maximization of operator profit by means of joint base station and relay station placement in 4G multi-hop relay
networks. The corresponding optimization model is formulated
as mixed-integer linear program and particularly considers allocation of limited bandwidth for downlink data transmission in non-cooperative relaying mode. We suggest two economically motivated options how to choose appropriate weights for combin-
ing the conflicting objectives linearly. Furthermore, we apply the
proposed optimization model to an exemplary planning scenario to analyze sensitivity to weight modifications numerically.
Index Terms--Radio network planning, multi-hop relay net-works, multi-objective optimization, resource allocation.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Alexander Engels and Michael Reyer and Rudolf Mathar},
	title = "Profit-Oriented Combination of Multiple Objectives for Planning and Configuration of {4G} Multi-Hop Relay Networks",
	pages = "330-334",
	booktitle = "7th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems ({IEEE} ISWCS)",
	address = {York, United Kingdom},
	month = Sep,
	year = 2010,
	hsb = hsb999910015718,


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