Analytic Framework for the Mutual Information Cumulants of Different MIMO Fading Channels


P. d. Kerret, M. Matthaiou, R. Mathar, J. A. Nossek,


        In this paper, we present a general analytical framework for the exact mutual information (MI) cumulants of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems with perfect receiver channel state information (CSI) and no transmitter CSI. Our derivation is based on a recent parameterization of the joint ordered eigenvalue probability density function (PDF) [1], that encompasses both uncorrelated/semi-correlated Rayleigh channels as well as uncorrelated Rician channels. In addition, we extend our framework to account for the cumulants of doubly-correlated Rayleigh channels and also to deduce tractable expressions in the high Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) regime. The cumulants are particularly useful to study all high-order statistics (HOS) of the MI; in fact, they can be used to express the MI mean and variance as a finite sum of determinants. Our analytical expressions are then validated via Monte-Carlo simulations with the attained accuracy being excellent in all cases.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Paul de Kerret and Michail Matthaiou and Rudolf Mathar and Josef Anton Nossek},
	title = "Analytic Framework for the Mutual Information Cumulants of Different {MIMO} Fading Channels",
	pages = "1-6",
	booktitle = "{IEEE} Globecom 2010",
	address = {Miami, Florida, USA},
	doi = 10.1109/GLOCOM.2010.5683814,
	month = Dec,
	year = 2010,
	hsb = hsb999910022576,


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