Extended Cyclostationary Signatures for OFDM-Based Cognitive Radio
Cyclostationary signatures have been shown to be an effective method for OFDM network synchronization and Cognitive Radio coordination. In this work, an extended method that utilizes cyclostationary signatures for signal parameter identification of OFDM-based Cognitive Radio nodes is presented. The scenario, implemented on a GNU Radio based evaluation platform, shows how different signal parameters, e.g. carrier frequency, occupied bandwidth and the used modulation scheme can be identified at the receiver side using the described approach. Corresponding performance details, simulation results and implementation issues are presented and evaluated.
BibTEX Reference Entry 
@inproceedings{ScZiMa12b, author = {Johannes Schmitz and Milan Zivkovic and Rudolf Mathar}, title = "Extended Cyclostationary Signatures for {OFDM}-Based Cognitive Radio", pages = "124-130", booktitle = "7th Karlsruhe Workshop on Software Radios", address = {Karlsruhe, Germany}, month = Mar, year = 2012, hsb = hsb999910133257, }
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