Cell Association in Small Heterogeneous Networks: Downlink Sum Rate and Min Rate Maximization
This paper considers the problem of associating users, in an heterogeneous network, to either a macro node or a pico node within a tightly coordinated cell cluster. We introduce a new theoretical framework to model this problem for the downlink and derive upper bounds for achievable sum rate and minimum rate using convex optimization. Further we propose heuristics, consisting in dynamic cell association, enabling to achieve performance close to the upper bounds.
Finally we implement these heuristics in an LTE simulator and show the potential of such dynamic cell association for a small LTE network.
BibTEX Reference Entry 
@inproceedings{CoFaMa12, author = {Steven Corroy and Laetitia Falconetti and Rudolf Mathar}, title = "Cell Association in Small Heterogeneous Networks: Downlink Sum Rate and Min Rate Maximization", pages = "898-902", booktitle = "{IEEE} Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2012)", address = {Paris, France}, month = Mar, year = 2012, hsb = hsb999910136550, }
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