Cyclic Interference Alignment and Cancellation in 3-User X-Networks with Minimal Backhaul
We consider the problem of cyclic interference alignment (IA) on the 3 - user X- network and show that it is K2 infeasible to exactly achieve the upper bound of 2K?1 = 9 degrees 5 of freedom for the lower bound of n = 5 signalling dimensions and K = 3 user-pairs. We observe that this infeasibility goes beyond the problem of common eigenvectors in invariant subspaces within spatial IA. In order to gain non-asymptotic feasibility with minimal intervention, we first investigate a communication strategy that enables IA by feedforwarding a subset of messages with minimal rate. In a second step, we replace the proposed feedforward strategy by an analogous cyclic interference alignment and cancellation scheme with a backhaul network on the receiver side and also by its dual cyclic interference neutralization scheme with a backhaul network on the transmitter side.
BibTEX Reference Entry 
@inproceedings{MaMa14b, author = {Henning Maier and Rudolf Mathar}, title = "Cyclic Interference Alignment and Cancellation in 3-User X-Networks with Minimal Backhaul", pages = "88-92", booktitle = "{IEEE} Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2014)", address = {Hobart, TAS, Australia}, month = Nov, year = 2014, hsb = hsb999910369195 , }
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