Optimum Power Allocation with Sensitivity Analysis for Passive Radar Applications
In the present paper, we investigate the power allocation problem in distributed sensor networks and give a sensitivity analysis for perfect and imperfect knowledge of system parameters. As it is common for sensors with weak power-supplies, constraints by sum and individual power-range limitations are imposed. The power allocation problem leads to a signomial program, and is analytically solved by a Lagrangian setup. Typical examples of such networks are passive radar systems with multiple nodes, whose aim is to detect and classify target signals. For each sensor node, an amplify-and-forward strategy for the received target signal is proposed. This per-node information is transmitted over a communication channel and combined at a fusion center. The fusion center carries out the final decision about the type of the target signal by a best linear unbiased estimator and a subsequent classification. In contrast to approaches in the literature, which combine discrete local decisions into a single global one, the approach in the current paper offers many advantages, ranging from the simplicity of its implementation to the achievement of an optimal solution in closed-form. Moreover, it allows for a sensitivity analysis of the whole sensor network under variations of different system parameters.
BibTEX Reference Entry 
@article{AlTaMa14, author = {Gholamreza Alirezaei and Omid Taghizadeh and Rudolf Mathar}, title = "Optimum Power Allocation with Sensitivity Analysis for Passive Radar Applications", pages = "3800-3809", journal = "Sensors Journal, {IEEE}", volume = "14", number = "11", doi = 10.1109/JSEN.2014.2331271, month = Nov, year = 2014, hsb = hsb999910354212, }
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