Power Control, Capacity, and Duality of Up- and Downlink in Cellular CDMA Systems


D. Catrein, L. Imhof, R. Mathar,


        Accurate power control is an essential requirement in the design of cellular code division multiple access (CDMA) systems. In this paper, we contribute three main themes to the power control problem. First, we derive an efficient algorithm for computing minimal power levels for large scale networks within seconds. Nice and intuitive conditions for the existence of feasible power solutions follow from this approach. Secondly, we define the capacity region of a network by the set of effective spreading gains, or data rates, respectively, which can be supplied by the network. This is achieved by bounding the spectral radius of a certain matrix containing system parameters and mutual path loss information. It is shown that the capacity region is a convex set. Finally, we reveal an interesting duality between the uplink and downlink capacity region. In a clear cut analytical way, it substantiates the fact that the uplink is the more restricting factor in cellular radio networks.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Daniel Catrein and Lorenz Imhof and Rudolf Mathar},
	title = "Power Control, Capacity, and Duality of Up- and Downlink in Cellular {CDMA} Systems",
	pages = "1777-1785",
	journal = "{IEEE} Transactions on Communications",
	volume = "52",
	number = "10",
	year = 2004,
	hsb = RWTH-CONV-223174,


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