Analytical bounds on the average error probability for Nakagami fading channels


G. Alirezaei, R. Mathar,


        We investigate the average error probability of data communication over Nakagami fading channels. First, we discuss some new identities and properties of a certain integral representation of the average error probability. Second, we propose novel lower and upper bounds. Both bounds are sharp, and they have a simple closed-form representation. We also demonstrate that the bounds are very precise for a wide range of parameters. A relative error of less than 1.2% is achieved. Finally, the mathematical structure of the bounds is investigated. For both bounds, parameters can be adapted to achieve a simpler form, however, at the price of a reduced precision. The channel capacity for Nakagami fading is hard to determine in general. It is expected that by using the accurate bounds developed in this work precise approximations of the capacity can be achieved.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Gholamreza Alirezaei and Rudolf Mathar},
	title = "Analytical bounds on the average error probability for Nakagami fading channels",
	pages = "10",
	booktitle = "Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA'2015)",
	address = {San Diego, CA, USA},
	month = Feb,
	year = 2015,
	hsb = RWTH-2015-01218,


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