Wireless Powering of Drone-Based MANETs for Disaster Zones
Since in emergency zones the communication network has to be rapidly established, the usage of autonomous drones, forming an ad-hoc network, is an interesting alternative. By using the mentioned drones, the main technical challenge to face is the difficulty to power the drones for a long time, since they are not wired to any infrastructure and the batteries are not designed to last the required period of time. To prolong the operating lifetime of the network, we hence propose and investigate a new simultaneous wireless information and power transmission (SWIPT) scheme. We first study the optimal distribution of the harvested energy, that can be shared between data communication, drone movement, and battery charging. Then we optimize the positioning of the drones such that line-of-sight situation is achieved and a minimum required signal-to-noise ratio is ensured. Afterwards, the lobes of both transmitter and receiver antennas are optimally aligned to maximize the harvested energy. Finally, the proposed drone-based network is simulated by using realistic parameters to show its adequate performance in practice.
autonomous drones, ad-hoc network, network optimization, wireless power transfer
BibTEX Reference Entry
@inproceedings{CaAlMa17, author = {Jose Angel Leon Calvo and Gholamreza Alirezaei and Rudolf Mathar}, title = "Wireless Powering of Drone-Based MANETs for Disaster Zones", booktitle = "2017 {IEEE} International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WiSEE'17)", address = {Montréal, Canada}, month = Oct, year = 2017, hsb = RWTH-CONV-220310, }
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