Efficient Decision Fusion with Performance Guarantees in Sensor Networks


G. Fabeck, Z. Benenson,


        We consider a sensor network in which the nodes make local decisions about the state of the observed environment and transmit the decisions to a fusion center. The aim is to arrive at a reliable fused decision from fairly unreliable local decisions. We investigate how to ensure pre-specified per-
formance guarantees for the fused decision in an efficient way. Given the individual error probabilities of each sensor, we determine how many sensors are at least necessary for a pre-specified performance level at the fusion center.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Gernot Fabeck and Zinaida Benenson},
	title = "Efficient Decision Fusion with Performance Guarantees in Sensor Networks",
	booktitle = "EWSN 2006",
	address = {Zurich},
	year = 2006,
	hsb = RWTH-CONV-223553,


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