Performance Evaluation of Sensor Fusion with Side Information


G. Fabeck, R. Mathar,


        The efficient evaluation of fusion algorithms becomes particularly important when different fusion schemes have to be compared with respect to an underlying performance metric. In this paper, we present explicit expressions for the global error probabilities of sensor fusion with side information for distributed detection applications. In the considered distributed detection problem, the sensors compress their observations independently and transmit local decisions to a fusion center that combines the received decisions with respect to available side information and computes the ?nal detection result. In the special case of identical sensors, computationally ef?cient expressions are obtained by using the multinomial distribution. Numerical results reveal the in?uence of different qualities of side information on the overall detection performance.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Gernot Fabeck and Rudolf Mathar},
	title = "Performance Evaluation of Sensor Fusion with Side Information",
	booktitle = "{IEEE} ISSPA 2010",
	address = {Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia},
	month = May,
	year = 2010,
	hsb = hsb910019714,


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