On the Performance of Cooperative Multihop Communications


S. Butcharoen, C. Pirak, R. Mathar,


        Cooperative communications is a promising technology to improve the performance of wireless networks. In this paper, we investigate the performance of a multihop communication system with regenerative relays in terms of bit error rate (BER). We propose low complexity techniques, including a max-min cooperative approach I and II , for the relay and path selection. Simulation results indicate that when a channel in a direct link is good or high signal to noise ratio (SNR), the proposed technique achieves a lowest BER.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Smich Butcharoen and Chaiyod Pirak and Rudolf Mathar},
	title = "On the Performance of Cooperative Multihop Communications",
	pages = "1-6",
	booktitle = "{IEEE} International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems (ICUMT)",
	address = {Budapest, Hungary},
	month = Oct,
	year = 2011,
	hsb = hsb999910118696,


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