Fundamentals of Big Data Analytics (V2/Ü1)

The information on this website is also available in the Lehr- und Lernportal der RWTH Aachen. Every participant should sign up there.

Links to RWTH Online


Please reach out to us via, regarding this lecture, the exercises, the exam or anything else concerning this course.


Basic course on probability and stochastic processes as given, e.g., in Theoretische Informationstechnik I. Bachelor courses on mathematics.


Lecture Notes

Lecture Videos

The lectures from winter semester 2016/2017 have been recorded and are published online.


Programming Exercises



Pocket Calculator

While taking the written exam, you are allowed to use a pocket calculator from this list.

Information about the Exam

Consultation hour

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Mathar nach Vereinbarung
Dr. Arash Behboodi nach Vereinbarung

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