AG Kommunikationstheorie


SDR Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Filter Bank Multicarrier Transceiver


Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) has been the most widely adopted multicarrier modulation (MCM) scheme among the broadband wireless standards due to its robustness against multipath fading and low computational complexity. However, OFDM based systems are not necessarily the best fit for more demanding conditions that require higher spectral efficiency. Filter Bank Multicarrier (FBMC) is an alternative multicarrier solution that offers superior adjacent channel leakage ratio (ACLR) properties and more efficient bandwidth usage compared to OFDM. Moreover, FBMC is a possible PHY-layer candidate for fifth generation of mobile telecommunications technology (5G) standards. This thesis presents the design and implementation efforts of an FBMC transceiver in a software defined radio (SDR) environment. At first, multicarrier transmission concept is revised to provide the basics of the FBMC modulation. Then, a brief discussion on OFDM is given to indicate the deficiencies of the OFDM scheme to the requirements of the next generation communication standards. Prototoype filter that defines the core of the FBMC operation is explained together with the derivation of the corresponding filter banks from the prototype filter. Furthermore, the FBMC transmitter-receiver chain with all signal processing components is described. This includes both MATLAB and GNU Radio implementation details of the FBMC transceiver presented "block by block". The thesis further provides the design of the channel estimation preambles that efficiently suppress the intrinsic interference caused by the prototype filter design. Finally, by means of software simulations and over-the-air RF transmission, signal properties and performance of FBMC systems are evaluated. The simulation and measurement results indicate that FBMC offers improved spectral efficiency compared to OFDM. Furthermore, ACLR performances of FBMC and OFDM in an RF environment are evaluated by the BER measurements of a signal propagating in a spectral hole formed by the particular system. It is shown that FBMC caused less interference on the signal, inducing a lower BER, compared to the OFDM system. The talk will be concluded with the appropriate demonstration. This includes a brief framework visualization, live RF transmission of an FBMC signal, and comparison of the spectral properties between FBMC and OFDM.

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