AG Kommunikationstheorie


Digital signal processing techniques for full-duplex wireless communications


A full-duplex communication node, is defined with its ability to transmit and receive in the same time, and in the same channel. In this work, we investigate the challenges, and achievable physical layer enhancements via this capability, for different communication scenarios. As a common approach throughout this work, we focus on the digital baseband domain, and try to improve our system’s performance via enhanced transmit and receive strategies for multi-antenna devices. Our study encompasses different simple communication scenarios (point to point, relay assisted), as well as different system assumptions (e.g. SNR, dynamic range,...). For each step of our work, we perform simulations to evaluate the derived algorithms for various system assumptions and observed the full-duplex system’s potential for doubling the physical layer metrics (e.g. sum rate, resource efficiency) for high dynamic range devices. In the end, based on the observed full-duplex enhancements, we may optimistically anticipate the positive effect of this technology in the future communication systems.

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