Cryptography I (V2/Ü1)


Lecture Dates (Campus)
Exercise Dates (Campus)
Exam Dates (Campus)

Exam information

Die Klausurergebnisse Kryptographie I+II können online abgefragt werden.


Classical cryptosystems, Cryptanalysis of classical systems, entropy and perfect secrecy, fast block ciphers, number theoretic reference problems, cryptosystems based on discrete logarithms, public key cryptography

Thanks to a Chinese student, the Chinese Remainder Theorem was taught in its original language, well, not in full.


Basic knowledge in stochastics and number theory.



Download of exercise sheets:

Die Übung Cryptography I fällt am 02.12.2008 aus.


An oral reexamination will take place on wednesday, april 15th, 2009 starting at 9 o'clock. A registration is required. Please mail to Michael Reyer for registration.

The written exam will take place on friday, march 13, 2009 from 9 am to 12 am in the seminarroom A, 4th floor, 407A, Walter-Schottky-Haus.
Information about Exam

Consultation hour:

Prof. Dr. R. Mathar Mi. 09:00 - 10:00
Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Meyer zu Bergsten Do. 14:00 - 15:00
Dr. Michael Reyer Mit. 09:00 - 10:00

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