Delay Sensitive Content Caching for Video Streaming

The increasing mobile user Internet demand leads to network congestion. One way to solve this problem is through a new approach called coded caching [MAN14]. In coded caching the intended users can prefetch a portion of the desired file in the local storage at the users in o -peak hours where the system is underutilized and network resources are abundant. In the peak hours, when the resources are limited, the server (backbone) then multi-casts the remaining portion of the files, that helps to construct the desired file at each receiver fully. By virtue of this approach, the local storage can act as an additional bandwidth and reduces the need to send more information in the peak demand hours; and, thus evens out the trac load across the network overtime.

The approach developed in [MAN14], provides significant gains, however, at the expense of large delays. In [NM14], the authors introduced a new computationally ecient caching algorithm that provides coded caching gain under delay constraints. The goal of this project is to implement the algorithm developed in [NM14] on a video streaming prototype. The complete details of the implementation are available in [NM14, Section IV].

This projects requires Java programming. Moreover, computer networking experience is benificial.

[MAN14] M. Maddah-Ali and U. Niesen, “Fundamental limits of caching,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 2856–2867, May 2014. [NM14] U. Niesen and M. A. Maddah-Ali, “Coded caching for delay-sensitive content,” CoRR, vol. abs/1407.4489, 2014. [Online]. Available:


The first meeting for the institute project is on Wednesday, 18.04.2018, 10 a.m., in ICT cubes Room 333.


Contact Person:
Dr. Zohaib Hassan Awan upon agreemnet

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