Simulative Evaluation of Good Relay Locations for Multiple Relay Systems
For future wireless communication networks reliability is an important design criterion to enable for video
conferences, voice over IP, etc. In wireless fading channels relaying is well known as an effective way to exploit the
spatial diversity in order to improve the transmission. Specifically, if multiple relays can be utilized to assist data
transmission, the performance can be significantly improved.
In this project a simulative environment of such a multiple relay system shall be developed in order to determine good
locations for relay stations using appropriate figures of merit. Particularly, we will focus on a decode-and-forward
relay systems where perfect channel information is not available at the source and the relays.
The initial meeting for my group take place in ICT cubes, Room 333 on Friday, 12.04.2019, at 3 p.m..
Contact Person:
Dr. Yulin Hu upon agreement
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