Virgilio Rodriguez' work and publications
Work is supported by the Ultra High-Speed Mobile Information and Communication (UMIC) research cluster, which has been established under the "Initiative for Excellence" of the German government.
Generalised optimisation of link-layer parameters
V. Rodriguez, R. Mathar, Generalised
link-layer adaptation with higher-layer criteria for energy-constrained
and energy-sufficient data terminals, Proceedings: 7th
International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (IEEE
ISWCS), York, UK, Sep 2010 ( slides
, paper )
Economorphic resource management for fourth-generation cellular networks
Generalised multi-receiver radio networks
V. Rodriguez, R. Mathar, "A generalised multi-receiver radio network and its decomposition into independent transmitter-receiver pairs: Simple feasibility condition and power levels in closed form", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Dresden, 14-18 June 2009 ( slides , paper )
V. Rodriguez, R. Mathar, A. Schmeink, "Generalised multi-receiver radio network: Capacity and asymptotic stability of power control through Banach's fixed-point theorem", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Budapest, Hungary, 5-8 April 2009 ( slides , paper )
V. Rodriguez, R. Mathar, A. Schmeink "Capacity and power control of spread-spectrum
macrodiversity radio networks revisited", Australasian
Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC),
Adelaide, Australia, 7-10 December 2008 ( slides
, paper )
overall Best Paper Award
V. Rodriguez, R. Mathar, "Modelling and analysis of a mobility-based information
network”, IEEE 70th Vehicular Technology Conference, (VTC
Fall), Anchorage, Alaska, 20–23 September, 2009 ( poster
, slides , paper )
Interference and medium-access control in the context of ultra-wide
(UWB) technology
Radio-spectrum coexistence, and medium access control in the context of ultra wide band (UWB) technology, for the phase II of the European Commission project "Pervasive Ultra-wide-band Low Spectral Energy Radio Systems" (PULSERS). PULSERS is an industry-led initiative formed by almost 40 major industrial and academic organisations, which researches innovative UWB devices and systems, from initial concept to fully working experimental prototypes.
V. Rodriguez, F. K. Jondral, R. Mathar, “Power allocation for social benefit through
price-taking behaviour on a CDMA reverse link shared by
energy-constrained and energy-sufficient data terminals”, Sixth
International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (IEEE
ISWCS), Siena, Italy, 7-10 September 2009 (slides
, paper)
NOTICE: Chosen as one of
the five best out of 143
papers, and hence eligible for inclusion in a special issue of
ACM/Springer journal "Mobile Networks and Applications".
V. Rodriguez, F. K. Jondral, H. Jaekel, "Tracking a large number of tokens: A customised prioritised medium-access protocol for target responses”, ICT Mobile Summit , Santander, Spain, 10-12 June 2009 (slides , paper )
V. Rodriguez, F. K. Jondral, R. Mathar, "Power allocation through revenue-maximising pricing on a CDMA reverse link shared by energy-constrained and energy-sufficient heterogeneous data terminals" IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), Barcelona, 26-29 April 2009 (slides , paper)
V. Rodriguez and F. Jondral, "Simple adaptively-prioritised spatially-reusable medium access control through the Dutch auction: Qualitative analysis, issues, challenges", IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology (SCVT), Delft, The Netherlands, 15 November, 2007 ( slides , paper )
V. Rodriguez and F. Jondral, "Technical-Economic evaluation of spectrum regimes: static, dynamic and utopian allocations for B3G CDMA with coexisting UWB devices", IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Athens, Greece, 3-7 September, 2007 ( slides , paper )
V. Rodriguez, and F. Jondral, "Market-driven regulation for next generation ultra-wide-band technology: Technical-economic management of a 3G cell with coexisting UWB devices", 16th Information Society Technologies (IST) Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit, Budapest, Hungary, 1-5 July, 2007 ( slides , paper )
V. Rodriguez and F. Jondral, "Technical-Economic impact of UWB personal area networks on a UMTS cell: Market-driven dynamic spectrum allocation revisited", IEEE Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), Dublin, Ireland, 17-20 April, 2007 ( slides , paper )
Optimal design of multi-standard reconfigurable radios
Overview: An
architecture for a multi-standard reconfigurable radio
V. Rodriguez, C. Moy, and J. Palicot, "Install or invoke?: The optimal trade-off between performance and cost in the design of multi-standard reconfigurable radios", Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal, Vol. 7,9 (Nov. 2007) pp. 1143-56
V. Rodriguez, C. Moy, and J. Palicot, "An optimal architecture for a multi-standard reconfigurable radio: A network theory re-formulation", IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Helsinki, Finland, 11-14 September, 2006 ( slides , paper )
V. Rodriguez, C. Moy, and J. Palicot, "An optimal architecture for a multi-standard reconfigurable radio: Cost-minimising common operators under latency constraints", 15th Information Society Technologies (IST) Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit, Myconos, Greece, 4-8 June, 2006 ( poster , paper )
C. Moy, J. Palicot, V. Rodriguez, and D. Giri, "Optimal Determination of Common Operators for Multi-Standard Software Defined Radio", 4th Karlsruhe Workshop on Software Radios, Karlsruhe, Germany, 22-23 March, 2006 ( slides , paper )
Dynamic Spectrum Allocation for Reconfigurable
Performed within the
framework of the European
Commission project "End
to End Reconfigurability" (E2R)
Overview: Market driven dynamic spectrum allocation
V. Rodriguez, K. Moessner, and R. Tafazolli, "Market driven dynamic spectrum allocation over space and time among radio-access networks: DVB-T and B3G CDMA with heterogeneous terminals", ACM / Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) 11, 6 (Dec. 2006), pp 847-860 ( slides , paper )
V. Rodriguez, K. Moessner, and R. Tafazolli, "Auction driven dynamic spectrum allocation over space and time: DVB-T and multi-rate, multi-class CDMA over a two-island geography", 15th Information Society Technologies (IST) Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit, Myconos, Greece, 4-8 June, 2006 ( slides )
V. Rodriguez, K. Moessner, and R. Tafazolli, "Auction Driven Dynamic Spectrum Allocation: Optimal Bidding, Pricing and Service Priorities for Multi-rate, Multi-Class CDMA", IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Berlin, Germany, September 2005 (poster slides paper)
V. Rodriguez, K. Moessner, and R. Tafazolli, "Market-Driven Dynamic Spectrum Allocation: Optimal End-User Pricing and Admission Control for CDMA", 14th Information Society Technologies (IST) Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit, Dresden, Germany, June 2005
PhD Research
Winlab Presentation ( slides
Post-Globecom-2003 Event at Stanford Univ. ( slides
Foundational Aspects
Rodriguez, V. ''An Analytical Foundation for Resource Management in Wireless Communications", IEEE Globecom, Vol. 2, pp. 898-902, San Francisco, CA, December 1-5, 2003 ( pdf )
Rodriguez, V., "Rate, Distortion and Quality: A Tractable Abstraction of the Human Sensory System", CISS, Princeton University, New Jersey, March 17-19, 2004 ( pdf , slides)
Cross-Layer Optimizations Involving Media Transmission
Rodriguez, V., "Resource Management for Scalably Encoded Information: The Case of Image Transmission Over Wireless Networks", IEEE ICME, Vol. 1, pp. 813-6, Baltimore, MD, July 7-09, 2003 ( pdf , html)
Rodriguez, V., D.J. Goodman, and Y. Wang, "Optimal Coding Rate and Power Allocation for the Streaming of Scalably Encoded Video Over a Wireless Link", IEEE ICASSP, Montreal, Quebec, May 17-21, 2004 ( paper , slides)
Rodriguez, V., "Quality-Distortion Theory: The Optimal Level of Distortion when Fidelity is Expensive", ( paper, slides )
Applied Game Theoy (Decentralized bits-per-Joule Maximization)
Rodriguez, V., "Robust
Modeling and Analysis for Wireless Data Resource Management",
WCNC, Vol. 2, pp.717- 722, New
Orleans, Lousiana, March 16-20, 2003 ( pdf
, html )
V., "Efficient Decentralized Power Control via a Compensation
Mechanism" , IEEE
Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton, New Jersey, April 26-27, 2004
Abstract, Paper,
Workshop slides)
Throughput Maximization (with media terminals present)
Rodriguez, V., D.J. Goodman and
Z. Marantz, "Power and Data Rate Assignment for Maximal
Weighted Throughput in 3G CDMA: A Global Solution with Two Classes of
Users", IEEE
WCNC, Atlanta, Georgia,
21-25, 2004 ( pdf
, slides)
V., D.J. Goodman, "Optimal Power and Data Rate
Assignment when Power-Limited Data and Media Terminals share a
3G CDMA cell: The 3 Terminal Scenario", CISS,
University, New Jersey, March 17-19, 2004 ( pdf
, slides)
Rodriguez, V., and D.J. Goodman "Power and Data Rate Assignment for Maximal Weighted Throughput: A Dual-Class 3G CDMA Scenario", IEEE ICC, Vol.1, pp. 397-401, Anchorage, Alaska, May 11-15, 2003 ( pdf , html )
Rodriguez, V., and D.J. Goodman "Power and Data Rate Assignment for Maximal Weighted Throughput in 3G CDMA", IEEE WCNC,Vol.1, pp. 525-31, New Orleans, Lousiana, March 16-20, 2003 ( pdf , html )
Rodriguez, V., and D.J. Goodman "Prioritized Throughput Maximization via Rate and Power Control for 3G CDMA: The 2 Terminal Scenario", Proc. of the 40th Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, October 2-4, 2002 (pdf , slides )
Goodman, D.J., Z. Marantz, P. Orenstein, V. Rodriguez "Maximizing The Throughput of CDMA Data Communications", To appear, IEEE VTC, Orlando, FL, October 6-9, 2003 ( pdf )
Capacity of 3G-CDMA System when BS Decode Cooperatively
Rodriguez, V., "The Capacity Region of 3G CDMA Systems with Macrodiversity and Power Constraints", IEEE WCNC, Vol. 1, pp. 184 -9, New Orleans, Lousiana, March 16-20, 2003 ( abstract , pdf )
WICAT Technical Reports
Maximizing the
Ratio of a Generalized Sigmoid to its Argument (
Abstract ; Paper (pdf
, ps )
From Power Levels to
Power Ratios and Back: A Change of Domain and its Modeling
Implications (Abstract ;
Paper (pdf
Improving a Utility Function for Wireless Data (with
D.J. Goodman) ( Abstract ;
Paper (pdf
Switches in the Optical Environment (
Report(pdf) ; slides(pdf)
Throughput Maximization poster
(ca. Nov 2001)
Discussion of "Capacity Regions of
Wireless Ad Hoc Networks", by Toumpis & Goldsmith (
Discussion of "Bits-per-Joule Capacity of Wireless Ad Hoc
Networks", by Rodoplu & Meng ( slides(pdf)
Evidence showing that ICC 2007 fees are DISPROPORTIONATE (updated 22-Oct-07)