Enhancing on Port Safety by Vehicular Communication Approach
The paper proposes vehicular communication principles in order to increase workers and pedestrians cross- roads safety at the seaport. A hybrid environment-based approach for modeling the vehicular communication channel is used. It is based on a combination of a deterministic ray- launching algorithm (PIROPA) to model large-scale parameters, and a stochastic model to obtain small-scale ones. Simulation analysis of some power-delay profiles for different workers or pedestrians and front forklifts seaport cross-roads interplays are done over the selected container and general cargo terminal area of the Port of Bar (Montenegro). The results provide good understanding of the communication requirements in order to obtain a feasible on-post safety system.
Port of Bar (Montenegro) Case Study
seaport; safety; vehicular communications; channel modeling
BibTEX Reference Entry 
@inproceedings{BaCaScMa17, author = {Sanja Bauk and Jose Angel Leon Calvo and Anke Schmeink and Rudolf Mathar}, title = "Enhancing on Port Safety by Vehicular Communication Approach", pages = "338-341", booktitle = "6th {IEEE} Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)", address = {Bar, Montenegro}, month = Jun, year = 2017, hsb = RWTH-2017-06954, }
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