V2P/I Communication for Increasing Occupational Safety at a Seaport


S. Bauk, J. A. L. Calvo, R. Mathar, A. Schmeink,


        This paper presents a model and some simulations of vehicle-to-pedestrian/infrastructure (V2P/I) communication channel performances at the seaport, whereas vehicles are taken as front-lifts and pedestrians as on port workers. More precisely, the aim of the paper is to study the important radio channel features between end nodes in order to optimize the network deployment and, at the same time, to display the communication limitations under realistic conditions. An ultimate goal is providing the contribution towards increasing works’ and environmental safety at the invasive seaport industrial and commercial areas. Consequently, the corresponding radio channel simulation analyses are realized over the layout of the container and general cargo terminal at the Mediterranean Port of Bar (Montenegro).

18-20 September


V2P/I; occupational safety; communication channel model.

Published by: Croatian Society Electronics in Marine - ELMAR, Zadar, Croatia
ISSN: 1334-2630
ISBN: 978-953-184-230-3
IEEE Catalog Number: CFP17825-PRT

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Sanja Bauk and Jose Angel Leon Calvo and Rudolf Mathar and Anke Schmeink},
	title = "V2P/I Communication for Increasing Occupational Safety at a Seaport",
	pages = "79-82",
	booktitle = "59th {IEEE} International Symposium Electronics in Marine (ELMAR)",
	address = {Zadar, Croatia},
	month = Sep,
	year = 2017,
	hsb = RWTH-2018-221488,


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