On iterative decoding of polar codes: Schedule-dependent performance and constructions


C. Schnelling, Y. Amraue, A. Schmeink,


        Polar codes asymptotically achieve the symmetric capacity of any binary-input discrete memoryless channel under sequential decoding algorithms such as successive cancellation decoding. However, for applications with high throughput requirements, other decoding approaches may be a better fit, as sequential decoders are inherently difficult to parallelize in order to increase their throughput. Iterative belief-propagation decoding may pose a valid approach for such parallel decoders. In this work, we present an extensive study of polar codes under both sequential and parallel message schedules in iterative decoding, and reveal a strong dependency of the code performance on the schedule used for decoding. To overcome performance impairments observed when using polar codes optimized for sequential scheduling under parallel schedules, we present a method to optimize codes for iterative decoders working with parallel scheduling.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Christopher Schnelling and Yassine Amraue and Anke Schmeink},
	title = "On iterative decoding of polar codes: Schedule-dependent performance and constructions",
	booktitle = "2017 55th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton)",
	address = {Monticello, IL, USA},
	doi = 10.1109/ALLERTON.2017.8262786,
	month = Oct,
	year = 2017,
	hsb = RWTH-2018-230624,


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