Energy Minimization of Mobile Edge Computing Networks with Finite Retransmissions in the Finite Blocklength Regime
We consider a mobile edge computing network supporting low-latency and ultra reliable services. Task off-loading from the user to the edge server is operated under a truncated retransmission process, i.e., the allowed retransmission times are finite. For such network, we first characterize the end-to-end error probability and the total energy consumption. We subsequently provide a framework design allowing to determine the optimal number of allowed retransmissions and the blocklength for a single transmission/retransmission, where the objective is to minimize the expected total energy consumption while guaranteeing the end-to-end reliability. Via simulation, we confirm our analytical model and evaluated the system performance.
BibTEX Reference Entry
@inproceedings{ZhHuScGr19, author = {Yao Zhu and Yulin Hu and Anke Schmeink and James Gross}, title = "Energy Minimization of Mobile Edge Computing Networks with Finite Retransmissions in the Finite Blocklength Regime", pages = "1-5", booktitle = "2019 {IEEE} 20th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) ({IEEE} SPAWC 2019)", address = {Cannes, France}, doi = 10.1109/SPAWC.2019.8815391, month = Jul, year = 2019, hsb = RWTH-2019-09691, }