On the Performance Advantage of Relaying under the Finite Blocklength Regime
We consider a two-phase relaying system with finite blocklengths. We study the performance difference of relaying under the finite blocklength regime as well as under the Shannon capacity regime. Most importantly, we are interested in the conditions that lead to a higher performance of relaying under the finite blocklength regime. We find that these situations are characterized by error probabilities of relaying, e.g., the overall error probability of relaying and the error probability of the bottleneck link of relaying. We identify scenarios where relaying outperforms direct transmission under the finite blocklength regime even if their performances are similar under the Shannon capacity regime. Moreover, we prove that under these scenarios the performance advantage of relaying is more significant with short blocklengths. Finally, numerical results are provided and discussed.
BibTEX Reference Entry 
@article{HuGrSc15, author = {Yulin Hu and James Gross and Anke Schmeink}, title = "On the Performance Advantage of Relaying under the Finite Blocklength Regime", pages = "779-782", journal = "{IEEE} Communications Letters", volume = "19", number = "5", doi = 10.1109/LCOMM.2015.2410770, month = May, year = 2015, hsb = RWTH-2015-05991, }
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