Uplink Interference based Call Admission Control for W-CDMA Mobile Communication Systems
In this paper, we analyze a call admission control algorithm (CAC) where
decisions are based on the total interference at base stations. The proposed CAC scheme has the advantage that it guarantees minimal requirements of users while utilizing information available in the network without exchanging any futher information between mobiles and base stations. The basic strategy is to reject infeasible calls early. The system converges towards the optimal power allocation if a call is admitted. Numerical experiments evince the performance of our CAC scheme with respect to call blocking probability, outage probability and resource utilization.
BibTEX Reference Entry 
@inproceedings{CaFeMa05, author = {Daniel Catrein and Anke Feiten and Rudolf Mathar}, title = "Uplink Interference based Call Admission Control for {W}-{CDMA} Mobile Communication Systems", booktitle = "{IEEE} VTC Spring 2005", address = {Stockholm}, month = May, year = 2005, hsb = RWTH-CONV-223549, }
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