Employing wireless networks in enhancing occupational safety at the developing seaport – Two proposals
The paper proposes two Wireless Body Area Network Sensors (WBANSs) scenarios at the logical and simulation levels for improving occupational safety and health conditions at the developing seaport environment. The Port of Bar (Montenegro) is taken as an exemplar. The logical model is based on the actual position of the Port of Bar at the seaport market, its needs and capacities for the information systems innovation through technology transfer and diffusion. The simulation model analyses the channel between the body central unit (BCU) of the worker’s on port wireless body sub-network and the port access point. The quality of the signal transmission at the physical layer has been tested through a source code generated in the Matlab. The code includes the BCU composite signal modulation, transmission, and demodulation, along with a noise and fading effects analysis. The results of the simulation experiments for the different transmission frequencies and distances between transmitter (worker’s BCU) and receiver (port’s access point) by using binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) and quadratic phase-shift keying (QPSK) modulation schemes are presented. Some directions for further investigations in this field are given, as well.
occupational safety, developing seaport, Wireless Body Area Network Sensors (WBANSs), channel simulations, physical layer
BibTEX Reference Entry 
@article{BaScCo17, author = {Sanja Bauk and Anke Schmeink and Joan Colomer}, title = "Employing wireless networks in enhancing occupational safety at the developing seaport – Two proposals", pages = "115-124", journal = "Polish Maritime Research", volume = "24", number = "1", month = Mar, year = 2017, hsb = RWTH-2017-03916, }
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