SWIPT-Enabled Relaying in IoT Networks Operating with Finite Blocklength Codes


Y. Hu, Y. Zhu, M. C. Gursoy, A. Schmeink,


        This paper considers simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) mechanisms in a relayingassisted ultra-reliable low latency communication network operating with finite blocklength (FBL) codes. The reliability of the network is maximized by the optimal selection of SWIPT parameters under both a power splitting (PS) protocol and a time switching (TS) protocol. In addition, we propose a protocol to improve the reliability performance by introducing a tradeoff between the PS and TS protocols. To further improve the reliability, a joint design is provided, which aligns the optimal selection of SWIPT parameters together with a blocklength allocation between two relaying hops. Via simulations, we validate our analytical model and show that the proposed algorithm achieves the same performance as that obtained with exhaustive search. In addition, we evaluate the considered network, and characterize the impact of blocklength, transmit power and packet size on the reliability of the considered SWIPT-enabled relaying network. Finally, the performance advantages of the proposed protocol (in comparison to the PS and TS protocols) and the proposed joint designs are investigated.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Yulin Hu and Yao Zhu and Mustafa Cenk Gursoy and Anke Schmeink},
	title = "SWIPT-Enabled Relaying in IoT Networks Operating with Finite Blocklength Codes",
	pages = "1-14",
	journal = "{IEEE} Journal on Selected Areas in Communications",
	volume = "37",
	number = "2",
	doi = 10.1109/JSAC.2018.2872361,
	month = Feb,
	year = 2019,
	hsb = RWTH-2018-230622,


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